I will admit that I do occasionally buy stuff I really do not need. While very useful, some tools are unnecessary – or shall we say, a luxury. Sometimes they’re shiiinyyyy. Sometimes they speak to my inner cave man…
I will admit that I do occasionally buy stuff I really do not need. While very useful, some tools are unnecessary – or shall we say, a luxury. Sometimes they’re shiiinyyyy. Sometimes they speak to my inner cave man…
Old tools looks so much more elaborate than today’s utilitarian looks. Is there a reason to the madness, or were the craftsmen of old just vain?
Put the plane down on its side, or you’ll risk damaging the edge! Or so it is often taught. Don’t you dare to question ye olde wisdom!
Also, dust collector systems can blow up. Apparently.
It’s mythbusting time!
Faster! More efficient! Git’r done so you can relax! Efficiency in our hobby activities could be a bit of a paradox – make the things you like to do go faster so you can get bored again?
Perfection is not beautiful. It is the small discrepancies that makes something beautiful. Look closely, and you’ll find flaws everywhere. And so it should be!
I want unique things, as long as they are identical! My magazine page home decor demands it! Serial production of uniqueness???
Which style of tools should we use? Are pull better than push? If a katana slices a silk scarf floating to the ground, the tools from that culture MUST be good. Right..? Onegaishimasu!
Measurements is meaningless unless you know the uncertainty, Walter said. Being a physics professor, SI units was the norm. Join the dark side of the empire, and you’ll wonder how many Fahrenheit there are in a cup.
I had a run-in with the DDS (Dust Distribution System) on my miter saw the other day. I was not amused…
And the chips won’t come free either! Did you buy a shiiiny thingamabob with a good brand on it, only to find bob’s twin in another color for less money? Gotta move those colors…….
I have often thought to myself “God, I’m simple” whilst enjoying simple things such as the feel of a well planed board. Is “simple” a negative term, really? Should we celebrate a simple life more?