My chisels have been living in a roll-up fabric pouch, which I have to unroll and place somewhere whenever I need a chisel. Not a very elegant solution, to be honest. Time for a chisel rack!
My band saw came with a mitre gauge. I do not use it all that much, but it sure is handy sometimes – so I need to keep it nearby. And why not go way overboard and make it in a complicated way? Why? Because I can.
The saw till was completed recently, but I forgot to add a holder for my small flush cut saw. So let’s fix that.
Blast gates is necessary to block outlets and/or sections of the dust collector ducts. These cheap plastic ones are good, except when they clog up with dust so they can’t be closed. Let’s fix the problem!
Spokeshaves are a must-have tool in any woodworking shop. They are incredibly useful, and they are safe to use for kids. I have a few, and I have considered making a rack for them for a long time. Time to git’r done!
Holdfasts holds the work piece when you work on your project. But what hold the holdfast? Lets make a holdfast holder to hold the holdfasts organised. Do I still hold your attention?
The quest for a neat and tidy shop… who am I kidding? The quest for controlled chaos, I should say – in the shop involves figuring out how to store different tools. My two planing stops needs to be easy to grab and to put away. I am plan(n)ing to hang them on the wall.
You cannot have enough clamps. Ever. And that means you cannot have enough clamp racks either. Unless you REALLY enjoy Mikado…