Butt chisels? I’ll do a review of’em, but if you’ve read my blog before – you know what’s comin’ next! Let’s crack on with it.
The Ashley Iles butt chisels
Butt chisels? I’ll do a review of’em, but if you’ve read my blog before – you know what’s comin’ next! Let’s crack on with it.
Accurate marking of mortises, dovetails, lap joints and what have you, needs good tools. I bought two different marking gauge models from Veritas. Let’s review!
Flailing a plane about can be very rewarding or make the piece of wood look more like a cat’s scratch board. It comes down to whether the thing stays in place or not. Hence a planing stop. I bought one from Veritas, and tested if it wood stop the would. Or.. something.