The quest for a neat and tidy shop… who am I kidding? The quest for controlled chaos, I should say – in the shop involves figuring out how to store different tools. My two planing stops needs to be easy to grab and to put away. I am plan(n)ing to hang them on the wall.
The Veritas planing stops has proven their value in the shop so far. Easy to slap in place when some flailing of the plane is due. But when they are not needed, they need to be removed from the bench. Essential tools goes on the wall, less frequent used tools in less and less easily accessible places. As I am writing this, my shop is a state of semi-controlled chaos of the “I put everything on top so I know where it is” kind. But as I continue building shop infrastructure, things start to find their home. Little by little, order emerges from chaos and the shop entropy dwindles.
I bought a planing stop, and shortly after I ordered another one to use perpendicular to the first. By placing it directly in front of the vise, I can use the dog in the vise and clamp against the planing stop
I rummaged through the pile of offcuts and grabbed a piece of pine. I then took a piece of oak strip which I though would look nice. The wall is painted white, and the pine is rather light in color. Some contrast would look nice, I thought. And who doesn’t like oak?
I planed the pine pieces 4S and shot the ends square. I then ripped the oak strip and cut the pieces to length before planing the cuts and shooting the ends square as well. I then glued the oak strip with a 5mm overhang on both sides, 2mm overhang at the bottom and about 6 mm overhang on the overside. This was by happy accident, as I did not plan for any specific measurements. After all, they are just for holding the planing stop. No need to get overly fancy.
The cam clamps are good tools, but I found that the clamping force on a few of them makes the pieces move a bit. I guess I have to bite the bullet and get some better clamps, or maybe make my own cam clamps.
After the glue grabbed, I did not have any problems.
The test after the glue dried proved the design. I applied some walnut oil to pop the grain on the oak a bit. The next day I buffed the surface with a cloth, which gave a nice semi gloss shine to the surface. Some nice ray flecking is visible on the top of one of them.
A couple of countersunk screws, and the planing stops are easily accessible on the wall when I need them. They are mounted so that the lower one can be lifted out without disturbing the top one. Why I would do that, on the other hand, is another question. Sometimes I overthink stuff, but the planing stops are now on the wall next to the bench.
They are really up for grabs, so to speak…